Friday, June 22, 2012

The waiting game

The embryos are in but the big question is, will they take??

After the transfer comes the dreaded two week wait. Two frustrating, hair pulling, second-guessing-everything-your body-is-doing weeks! 

After the transfer, I was instructed to be on bed rest for 48 hours. I ain't gonna lie, it was awesome! I  got to lay in bed, guilt-free, watching bad reality TV (is there good reality TV?), reading girlie books, having my hubby bring me all meals in bed (woot!), and of course, surfing the net (do people still say that or is there a newbie phrase for internet time-suckage?).

But then the waiting began. In total there will be fourteen days of waiting until the first pregnancy test. And with the waiting comes the paranoia. OMG, I feel dehydrated, I must be pregnant! OMG, I feel a cramp, I’m not pregnant! OMG, I have to pee all the time- preggers! And so on, day after day.
Some women say they just ‘knew’ the moment they conceived and I must say I do not trust such women.  It’s easy to say you knew after you have a positive test in your hand. But how many women say the ‘knew’ only to find out they were wrong? We’ll never know b/c they would never tell. Well, I am not that woman. I HAVE NO IDEA!

So far, I have had every sign and no signs that I may be pregnant. It’s very frustrating and during my time of need I turn to my favorite therapist, Google Search. As with any good therapist, she turns my questions and inquiries back on me, and I am always back where I started- unsure and driving myself crazy! Only time will tell.
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock…

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