Monday, August 13, 2012

It's a...


We are thrilled (happy dance!) but finding out that news was not as easy as I'd thought it would be. geez... can't a girl get a break.

When we went to find out the sex, it was still a little early (only 16 weeks) but our doctor, Dr. B, was confident he would be able to tell.
These days I get to lay on the table fully dressed as the doc uses the external ultrasound to see the baby but our little girl wasn't cooperating so after pressing down on my belly from every angle, Dr. B decided it was time to use the vaginal ultrasound, which is basically a long stick (see picture).

He suspected it was a girl but there were two problems that made confirming the sex a challenge: One, she had her legs crossed and wouldn't move them (she's not the type of gal who spreads her legs for just any man even if he has a big stick) and two, the umbilical cord was between the baby's legs.

So, Dr. B began jamming the ultrasound stick into my uterus again and again and again (not a pleasant experience), so the baby would move but she was a very stubborn girl (which my hubby said made him sure it was a girl b/c she was being so difficult) but eventually Dr. B was able to find an angle where he could see three bright lines parallel to each other.

What are these lines? The doc explained that the outer two are the labia and the middle one is the clitoris. And so it was concluded that our baby is a girl.

My hubby said he was "quite impressed."  When asked why he answered, "because Dr. B found the clitoris at 16 weeks and he's been searching for mine for the past ten years."

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